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journalA. S. Behr, L. Neuendorf, P. Sakthithasan, M. Karan, Q. Fang, K. E. R. Boettcher, C. Terkowsky, N. Kockmann

Uniting knowledge and application in a hybrid laboratory experiment in virtual reality – a cross-reality laboratory with applications of artificial intelligence for industry 4.0

REV 2023 Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 2023, vol. 763,

talkA. Behr, L. Neuendorf, P. Sakthithasan, K. Boettcher, N. Kockmann

Process control using AI on a digital twin of an extraction column in VR

IEEE German Education Conference 2022, 11.-12.08.2022, Berlin, Germany

talkP. Sakthithasan, D. Rysch, J. Ruoß, N. Kockmann

Increasing separation efficiency in small-scale solvent extraction columns

ProcessNet Jahrestreffen Extraktion, 23.-24052022, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

proceedingA. S. Behr; L. Neuendorf; P. Sakthithasan; K. E.R. Boettcher; N. Kockmann

Process control using AI on a digital twin of an extraction column in VR

2022 IEEE German Education Conference (GeCon), 2022, 10.1109/GeCon55699.2022.9942788

journalP. Sakthithasan, N. Gerdes, M. Venhuis, N. Kockmann

Investigation of strong asymmetric pulsation patterns in a stirred-pulsed extraction measurement cell

Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification, 2022, vol. 180,

posterP. Sakthithasan, F. Kömürcü, S. Keskin, N. Kockmann

Numerical simulation of continuous phase mixing and residence time distribution in a stirred-pulsed solvent extraction column

ProcessNet Jahrestreffen Prozess-, Apparate- und Anlagentechnik 2021, 22.-23112021, virtual, Germany

talkP. Sakthithasan, J. Ruoss, N. Gerdes, N. Kockmann

Energy efficiency in a stirred-pulsed measurement cell for liquid-liquid extraction

ProcessNet Jahrestreffen Prozess-, Apparate- und Anlagentechnik 2021, 22.-23112021, virtual, Germany

talkP. Sakthithasan, N. Gerdes, M. Venhuis, N. Kockmann

Influence of asymmetric pulsation patterns in a stirred-pulsed extraction measurement cell

ProcessNet Jahrestreffen Extraktion, 04.-05.02.2021, virtual, Germany

posterP. Sakthithasan, M. Venhuis, N. Kockmann

Fully automated pulsation system module for high-pressure processes

ProcessNet Jahrestreffen Prozess-, Apparate- und Anlagentechnik, 9.-10.11.2020, virtual, Germany

posterP. Sakthithasan, N. Kaufhold, L. Orth, N.Kockmann

Design of a stirred-pulsed liquid-liquid extraction for high-pressure processes

10. ProcessNet Jahrestagung, 24.09.2020, virtual

posterJ. Bobers, M.K. Škopić, R. Dinter, P. Sakthithasan, L. Neukirch, C. Gramse, R. Weberskirch, A. Brunschweiger, N. Kockmann

Design of an Automated Reagent-Dispensing System for Reaction Screening and Validation with DNA-Tagged Substrates

10. ProcessNet Jahrestagung, 24.09.2020, virtual

talkJ. Bobers, M.K. Škopić, R. Dinter, P. Sakthithasan, L. Neukirch, C. Gramse, R. Weberskirch, A. Brunschweiger, N. Kockmann

Design of an Automated Reagent-Dispensing System for Reaction Screening and Validation with DNA-Tagged Substrates

EMBL Microfluidics Conference, 14.07.2020, virtual

journalJ. Bobers, M. Klika Škopić, R. Dinter, P. Sakthithasan, L. Neukirch, C. Gramse, R. Weberskirch, A. Brunschweiger, N. Kockmann

Design of an Automated Reagent-Dispensing System for Reaction Screening and Validation with DNA-Tagged Substrates

ACS Combinatorial Science, 2020, vol. 22, p. 101-108, 10.1021/acscombsci.9b00207
