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journalL. Hohmann, M. Schmalenberg, M. Prasanna, M. Matuschek, N. Kockmann

Suspension flow behavior and particle residence time distribution in helical tube devices

Chem. Eng. J., 2019, vol. 360, p. 1371 - 1389,

talkM. Schmalenberg, L. Hohmann, K. Wohlgemuth, N. Kockmann

Scale-down and Modular Design of a Coiled Tubular Cooling Crystallizer for Process Development

Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppe Kristallisation, 08.-09. March 2018, Bremen, Germany

talkM. Schmalenberg, L. Hohmann, N. Kockmann

Miniaturized Tubular Cooling Crystallizer With Solid-Liquid Flow For Process Development

Inernational Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels, 10.-13. June 2018, Dubrovnik, Croatia

posterM. Schmalenberg, L. Hohmann, N. Kockmann

Miniaturized Tubular Cooling Crystallizer With Solid-Liquid Flow For Process Development

Inernational Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels, 10.-13. June 2018, Dubrovnik, Croatia

journalM. Schmalenberg, L. Hohmann, N. Kockmann

Miniaturized Tubular Cooling Crystallizer With Solid-Liquid Flow for Process Development

ASME-ICNMM 2018 , 2018, vol. ICNMM2018-7660, p. V001T02A006, 10.1115/ICNMM2018-7660

journalL. Hohmann, L. Löbnitz, C. Menke, B. Santhirakumaran, P. Stier, F. Stenger, F. Dufour, G. Wiese, S. zur Horst-Meyer, B. Kusserow, W. Zang, H. Nirschl, N. Kockmann

Continuous Downstream Processing of Amino Acids in a Modular Miniplant

Chem. Eng. Technol., 2018, 10.1002/ceat.201700657

journalL. Hohmann, T. Greinert, O. Mierka, S. Turek, G. Schembecker, E. Bayraktar, K. Wohlgemuth, N. Kockmann

Analysis of Crystal Size Dispersion Effects in a Continuous Coiled Tubular Crystallizer: Experiments and Modeling

Cryst. Growth Des., 2018, vol. 18, p. 1459-1473, 10.1021/acs.cgd.7b01383

posterL. Hohmann, M. Gnaneswaran, C. Menke, F. Dufour, P. Stier, F. Stenger, N. Kockmann

Design, Operational Range and Scale-up of Coiled Tubular Crystallizers

BIWIC 2017 - 24th International Workshop on Industrial Crystallization, 29.-31.08.2017, Dortmund, Germany

talkL. Hohmann, T. Greinert, M. Matuschek, K. Wohlgemuth, N. Kockmann

Suspension Flow Characteristics, Solid Phase Axial Dispersion, and Product Size Distribution in a Continuous Tubular Crystallizer

ProcessNet Jahrestreffen Mechanische Flüssigkeitsabtrennung und Kristallisation, 06.-07.03.2017, Cologne, Germany

journalL. Hohmann, K. Kössl, N. Kockmann, G. Schembecker, C. Bramsiepe

Modules in process industry − A life cycle definition

Chem. Eng. Proc., 2017, vol. 111, p. 115-126, 10.1016/j.cep.2016.09.017

talkL. Hohmann, M. Matuschek, N. Kockmann

Betriebsbereich und Auslegung von Rohrapparaten für die kontinuierliche Kristallisation

ProcessNet Jahrestagung, 12.-15.09.2016, Aachen, DE

posterL. Hohmann, M. Matuschek, N. Kockmann

Continuous Seeding Concept for a Continuous Tubular Cooling Crystallizer

BIWIC 2016 - 23rd International Workshop on Industrial Crystallization, 06.-08.09.2016, Magdeburg, Germany

posterL. Hohmann, S. K. Kurt, N. Pouya Far, D. Vieth, N. Kockmann

Micro-/Milli-Fluidic Heat-Exchanger Characterization by Non-Invasive Temperature Sensors

ASME-ICNMM2016, 10.-14.07.2016, Washington, D.C., USA, ICNMM2016-8008

talkL. Hohmann, S. K. Kurt, N. Pouya Far, D. Vieth, N. Kockmann

Characterization of Tubular Micro-/Milli-Fluidic Heat-Exchangers by Non-Invasive Temperature Measurement

ASME-ICNMM2016, 10.-14.07.2016, Washington, D.C., USA, ICNMM2016-8008

talkL. Hohmann, O. Klaas, J. Ahlert, N. Kockmann

In-situ Seeding and Flow Profile Effects in Continuous Tubular Cooling Crystallization

ProcessNet Jahrestreffen Kristallisation, 09.-11.03.2016, Frankfurt a. M., DE

journalL. Hohmann, S. K. Kurt, N. Pouya Far, D. Vieth, N. Kockmann

Micro-/Milli-Fluidic Heat-Exchanger Characterization by Non-Invasive Temperature Sensors

ASME-ICNMM 2016, 2016, p. V001T12A002, 10.1115/ICNMM2016-8008

proceedingL. Hohmann, M. Matuschek, N. Kockmann

Betriebsbereich und Auslegung von Rohrapparaten für die kontinuierliche Kristallisation

Chem. Ing. Tech., 2016, vol. 88, p. 1219, 10.1002/cite.201650207

proceedingL. Hohmann, M. Matuschek, N. Kockmann

Continuous Seeding Concept for a Continuous Tubular Cooling Crystallizer

Proceedings of the 23rd International Workshop on Industrial Crystallization (BIWIC 2016), 2016, p. 213-219

journalL. Hohmann, S. K. Kurt, S. Soboll, N. Kockmann

Separation units and equipment for lab-scale process development

J. Flow Chem., 2016, 10.1556/1846.2016.00024

journalL. Hohmann, R. Gorny, O. Klaas, J. Ahlert, K. Wohlgemuth, N. Kockmann

Design of a Continuous Tubular Cooling Crystallizer for Process Development on Lab-Scale

Chem. Eng. Technol., 2016, vol. 39, p. 1268-1280, 10.1002/ceat.201600072


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